Sports Day 2018

Dear ep1 purple parents and guardians,

Earlier this month children participated in Sports Day as well as celebrating Children’s Day.  The children enjoyed games, snacks and competed in races against other classes. Everyone tried their best and we are very proud of their efforts. More importantly, everyone had a lot of fun and made some great memories.



Below are the pictures that you (the parents) provided us with. We thank you very much for them and please feel free to save the pictures for yourselves.

Spelling List 26

Dear ep1 purple VCIS parents and guardians,

Listed below are the spelling words for next week, for all English Programme 1 pupils here at Varee Chiangmai International School.


Spelling test 26 will take place on Friday the 12th of January.

The spelling words must be practiced every day by your child ideally, with your supervision.

teach in Chiang Mai

The spelling lists for January will be found in the January homework booklet which will be issued to your children next week.



1. I like food.

2. I don’t like salad.

3. I like rice.

4. I don’t like chicken.

5. I like eggs.

6. I don’t like soup.

7. I like apples.

8. I do not like fish.

9. I like bananas.

10. I do not like pizza.

11. I like water.

12. I do not like biscuits.